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"Growing up in Gig Harbor is an experience I deeply cherish, and one I want for my children and future generations.  For this reason I have been engaged in City government for the last decade, working to protect the character, heritage and quality of life while balancing responsible growth and increased demands for services. 

With your support, I will continue to work to ensure taxes are prudently invested.  Thank you for the opportunity to serve."




A Gig Harbor native, Michael's service to the greater Gig Harbor community began when he joined the Parks Commission in 2005. 


Thanks to his leadership and committment, the City's Parks Appreciation Day has become an annual event in which community members pitch in to clean and prepare the City's recreational facilities each spring.  In the past eight years the event has resulted in thousands of hours of volunteer's labor planting thousands of trees, spreading hundreds of yards of bark, pulling countless weeds, reclaiming acres of overgrown land, and maintaining trails.



2015 Parks Appreciation day at Austin Estuary Park.

In 2015 MIcheal worked with volunteers from the Downtown Waterfront Alliance to develop the Gigging Up the Harbor Community Clean Up Day.  This event, modeled after Parks Appreciation Day, focuses on cleaning up the Downtown and Finholm Business Districts, as well as nearby parks.  The event was a huge success, and it is our goal to expand the event to other parts of the City in future years.    


Read more ... background on Michael Perrow.


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