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Parks and Open Space ...



Michael has supported and been actively involved in the planning of parks, the grant funding process, and open space as a former member of the City's Parks Commission and currently as a member of the City Council.  


Along the Gig Harbor waterfront, the City has acquired, improved and developed a number of sites in recent years to increase access, views and natural habitat.  These include the Maritime Pier, Skansie Brothers Park, the future Ancich Waterfront Park site, Eddon Boat Park and Boat Building, Austin Estuary Park, the daylighting of Donkey Creek Park, Bogue Viewing Platform, Crescent Creek Park, and just this year the acquisition of the Gig Harbor sand spit.  


Michael was also involved in the planning of Veteran's Memorial Park, the Cushman Trail, and our future park on Harbor Hill Drive.  He led the effort to acquire 20 acres of forest along McCormick Creek known as the Old Burnham Drive Properties.


Michael led the City of Gig Harbor Parks Appreciation Day event for the first five years and has since led the seedling planting efforts, where over 2000 seedlings have been planted in the last five years. 



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